What art means to me
The way in which the human mind and emotions can be impacted by the visual arts is fascinating. Through my artwork, I explore the intersections of art and psychology. Color, texture, mood, and the way someone interacts with art can evoke emotional responses and create new meaning. It is my intention to create and enhance spaces for people to connect, or reconnect, with what brings them joy and improves lives.
Research and the exploration of materials is important to my practice as an artist. I prefer to work in three-dimensions, but this work can come from a variety of media. I love to experiment with metal, paper, wood, glass, ceramics, and more. Finding out what these materials can do by taking time to delve into them can offer surprising results.
Working within a community of artists and creative people motivates me. Sharing ideas and collaborating, listening, sharing expertise…this is what makes the work better and how I will continue to grow as an artist.